Sunday, August 23, 2009

Ear Pointing

Ear pointing, also known as ear sculpting, is a form of body modification used to produce "elf ears" (or Vulcan ears to all you Trekkies out there). A small wedge shaped piece of ear is removed at the top of the ear and then sutured back together. When healed, the ear comes to a point, resembling an elf ear. It is considered a pseudosurgical procedure. Steve Haworth is usually credited with inventing it. Few people offer the surgery and it is not offered by cosmetic surgeons. Where can you can get ear pointing done? BME lists several respected professionals who perform ear pointing. They are as follows: Steve Haworth, Emilio Gonzalez, Lukas Zpira (Official Website), Jonathan Martinez (Official Website), and Brian Decker (Official Website). Another person I found on the web is Russ Fox (Official Website). Given the other sites, Fox's looks very professional and he offers a wide variety of services with a large following. Please note that I neither endorse nor condemn any of these professionals as I am not a body modification expert and I have never been a customer of any of them.

Pictures of ear pointing below featuring unknown persons performed by an unknown professional(s). Faces have been covered to conceal identity.
Ear Pointing
Ear Pointing

1 comment:

  1. Those aren't actual surgical ear pointings- as they don't actually extend the cartilage, ears often end up smaller.

    I just had my ears surgically pointed by Lukas Zpira- and they definitely do not end up as flawless and long as those pictures! I'd definitely say that they're both either photoshopped or prosthetics!

    If you'd like some pictures of a REAL ear pointing, check out

    Luna is a body modifier and has a whole bunch of his work up- enjoy :)
